Economic outlook for Mexico in the political transition


  • Pablo Sandoval Cabrera Universidad de Guadalajara



Mexico, politics, end of six-year term, crisis, devaluation, inflation, recession, political transaction, economic outlook


The last four end-of-six-year transitions have been especially traumatic for its population. The constant has been the crisis, with its perceptible social costs and consequences, lack of liquidity, payment problems, devaluation, inflation, unemployment and, most regrettably, greater marginalization and poverty.

For this reason, at the end of each administration we ask ourselves the same question: is a new end-of-six-year crisis possible? The official answer has always been the same: no! However, reality has imposed itself on us and we have already had four six-year terms in socioeconomic conditions of recession and instability.

Author Biography

Pablo Sandoval Cabrera, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor del departamento de economía, CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara.



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