Information For Readers

Focus and scope


Expresión Económica, Revista de Análisis is an economics journal of the Economics Department of the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas of the University of Guadalajara (Jalisco, Mexico). Its objective is to provide a space for the debate and dissemination of knowledge in all areas related to economics, ecological economics, environmental economics, finance and administration, as long as they contain rigorous scientific foundations. The geographic scope of focus is Mexico, Latin America and economic or related topics that have global relevance and affect our part of the world. It is aimed at researchers, students, those responsible for the design of economic, public and financial policies, as well as decision makers interested in these topics. The type of papers that can be submitted are the following: research articles, reviews, essays and current affairs.  Articles written in Spanish or English are welcome.


The evaluation of the articles is governed by a double-blind review process, which are assigned by the editorial committee based on their experience and prestige in the corresponding area.



  • To educate and inform the society of Jalisco and the Mexican Republic about national and international economic events.
  • To disseminate the research and contributions of researchers and academics of the University of Guadalajara, as well as those of other academic institutions, organizations and entities of the public and private sectors, both national and international.
  • Encourage dialogue and debate between researchers and academics from the University of Guadalajara and other institutions with other centers of study in Mexico and abroad.
  • Incorporate more works of international origin in our pages, thus encouraging the North-South debate.