The country's current macroeconomic policy and its effects in the medium and long term


  • Juan Fernando Guerrero Herrera Universidad de Guadalajara



mexican economy, macroeconomic policy, medium and long-term effects


In the modern market economy, one of the most transcendent moments is undoubtedly the emergence of a global economic system on a worldwide scale. In this new order, the world has become irreversibly open: from now on, individual markets are ceasing to be local and becoming universal. In light of this circumstance, it is particularly true that economies whose governments choose to implement measures that mean being left out of this powerful and irreversible global economic current will be condemned to a costly lag, difficult to overcome, which will have a profound impact on the welfare of the community for considerable periods of time -perhaps decades-, with the consequence of making it impossible for them to access the benefits of the new global productivity. In fact, the world is facing a true economic revolution, the consequences of which cannot yet be foreseen in all their complexity.

Author Biography

Juan Fernando Guerrero Herrera, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor e investigador del Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Guadalajara.

