The free trade agreement Mexico-Colombia


  • Jorge Aguilar Jiménez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Jorge Martínez Olvera
  • Natalia Reséndiz Muñoz



The Free Trade Agreement


The Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and Mexico makes some of the levels of economic integration, understood as a process by which two or more national markets narrowed their markets and eliminate trade barriers, seeking to regulate their business relationships with the objective to increase investment and trade flows, and integrate economies and eliminate trade barriers and tariffs, so that security is provided for free trade between the two countries. 

Author Biographies

Jorge Aguilar Jiménez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor-Investigador del Departamento de Economía

Natalia Reséndiz Muñoz

Estudiante del tercer semestre de la Maestría en Relaciones Económicas Internacionales y Cooperación, con énfasis en la Unión Europea y América Latina (PNPC Conacyt).



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