Health system reform in Mexico and resource allocation


  • Jaime López Delgadillo Universidad de Guadalajara



reforms, healthcare system, Mexico, wellness


Both the capital or development approach of human capital theory has established that a country will develop faster after it invests in its own people. In addition, the literature argues that, because a country’s resources are limited and for the investment to be highly productive, we constantly need to evaluate the models with which we want to solve human capital issues. In this paper we study the progress of our health system that is important, but small when it is compared with developed countries mexicans still face the challenge of a healthier life and better welfare. 

Author Biography

Jaime López Delgadillo, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctor en Economía por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Profesor Investigador del Departamento de Economía del CUCEA de la UDG.



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