Economic growth and demography in proto-industrial societies


  • Carlos Riojas López Universidad de Guadalajara



economic growth, population growth, proto-industrial societies


The aim of this paper is to present the role played by the main demographic factors associated with societies that experienced a proto-industrial mode of production. It also attempts to explain how these variables influenced over time to shape the demographic evolution during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries The overwhelming majority of texts that study the formation of proto-industrial societies refer to demographic dynamics through a series of indicators such as age at marriage, These variables play a central role in the academic debate; therefore, this paper proposes to recognize them as key pieces of the backbone that sustains proto-industrial theory: what are the demographic factors to be considered to help us explain the evolution of the first steps of the industrialization process?

Author Biography

Carlos Riojas López, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor Investigador del Departamento de Estudios Regionales (Ineser), CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara. Especialista en desarrollo regional e historia económica regional, fundamentalmente en el occidente de México. Sus principales líneas de investigación son los procesos de industrialización durante el siglo XIX y estrategias de desarrollo regional comparado durante el siglo XX en sociedades que han experimentado una transformación institucional.

