Latin America's agricultural commodities outlook and the food crisis


  • J. Raúl Velarde Hernández Universidad de Guadalajara



agricultural commodities, food crisis, economic backwardness


The prevailing situation in Latin America in terms of the production of primary goods places us in advantageous conditions in the face of international demand for products recognized as "commodities", among which foodstuffs are the most in demand If Latin American countries were to take advantage of this international situation, This could become a trigger of economic growth for our economies and, if well distributed, of greater benefit for a large social layer of the groups that have traditionally produced this type of goods and that had been left behind economically.

Author Biography

J. Raúl Velarde Hernández, Universidad de Guadalajara

Estudiante de tercer semestre de la Maestría de Relaciones Económicas internacionales, CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara.

