Economic specialization of Tonalá in the context of the Guadalajara metropolitan area.


  • Marco Antonio Medina Ortega Universidad de Guadalajara



specialization, Economic basis


The present work analyses the specialization of the economic foundation of the city of Tonala in the context of the same process that Guadalajara ?s metropolitan area is following. This allows to grasp not only the activities which show sign of specialization within the municipality, but it can also be observed the potential of growth considering  the economical dynamic which is manifested in the metropolitan area. This scenario provides windows of opportunity for the city of Tonala to design politics in the area of economic development which allow and encourage changes in the specialization of its economic foundation

Author Biography

Marco Antonio Medina Ortega, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor-investigador adscrito al Departamento de Estudios Regionales-Ineser, CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara. Doctor en Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad por la Universidad de Guadalajara.

