Background of the regulatory legal framework and the economic perceptions of cannabis in students of the University of Guadalajara, CUCEA campus


  • Salvador Arturo Velázquez Crotte Universidad de Guadalajara



cannabis, legalization, public health, legal framework, perception


In our country the lack of information has generated that most of the population perceive the cannabis as something negative. In the last few years, several countries around the world are beginning to adopt the decriminalization of this plant for several purposes; Mexico is not the exception, because in the last few years a debate has generated mixed opinions about the subject. The present article has the purpose to identify at first hand the perception of the students from the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA) of the Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), of what cannabis is. It was decided that the recollection of information will be only focused on a small sample of the entire population, and focused on the fourteen pregrade programs, this because the young students are more susceptible to have contact with the plant. With the task of making even more breakthroughs of the diverse uses and virtues of this plant, it is imperative to previously known how do the students perceive it, so the best decisions are made accurately and with this the best education and communication strategy can be generated, so this way the uses and benefits such as the industrial, medic, and ludic can be shared, and with this settle the basic backgrounds for the society to understand their basic implications. Now with the previously mentioned, a brief review of the cannabis history is shared in how it propagates around the world and our country throughout the time, the arrival to our country and its way to legalization. 

Author Biography

Salvador Arturo Velázquez Crotte, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor del departamento de políticas públicas.

