


Former rector's building of the Benemérita Universidad de Guadalajara, today a museum of the arts. 


General Rectory Tower of the University. It is located in front of the old building. 


The University of Guadalajara is an institution that has inherited an educational tradition of more than two hundred years of history. Currently, the University is developed from a network model that is integrated by six thematic university centers -specialized in a disciplinary field and based in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara-, ten regional university centers -with an interdisciplinary character and established in different regions of the State-, a Higher Secondary Education System -with 165 campuses distributed throughout Jalisco-, as well as a Virtual University System, which offers higher education studies in the distance learning modality.

Our University trains high-level human resources in different scientific disciplines; it currently serves more than 270,000 students - 120,000 at the higher level and 150,000 at the middle level.

The quality of its educational programs is recognized by national and international organizations. The University has also implemented institutional policies focused on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship among its university community.

Through its departments, centers and research institutes, the University generates knowledge that, in addition to updating academic content and promoting technology transfer, contributes to the economic development and social welfare of the regions of Jalisco.

Likewise, through its programs for the creation, appreciation and dissemination of art and culture, the University actively participates in cultural life and increases the artistic wealth of western Mexico.

In terms of internationalization, the University maintains ties of cooperation and links with institutions of higher education in the five continents.

Today, the University of Guadalajara is an institution committed to academic excellence, social solidarity and humanistic thinking, aspects that contribute to the sustainable development of Jalisco and Mexico, through education, innovation, science and technology.

On February 26, 2014, the Congress of the State of Jalisco approved, in ordinary session, the opinion of the Culture Commission to declare the University of Guadalajara "Benemérita", "for the benefits that in educational matters it has provided to the State of Jalisco, since its foundation", according to Article 1 of the decree of the opinion.

Thus, this February 28th, in a solemn session and before the holders of the powers of the State, representatives of institutions and special guests, this recognition will be made public and, in accordance with Article 2 of the decree, the mandate to inscribe in golden letters the name "Benemérita Universidad de Guadalajara" on the Central Wall of the Legislative precinct of the Congress of the State of Jalisco will be materialized.