The impacts of the New Minimum Wage Policy. The case of Jalisco and Baja California


  • José María Parra Ruiz Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Emilia Gámez Frías Universidad de Guadalajara



minimum wage policy, occupation, salaried workforce, salaried employment


In 2019, a new minimum wage policy is promoted that configures two salary regions: Free Zone of the Northern Border of Mexico and Rest of the country. An increase of 100% is authorized for the first region, and for the second 16.2%. Our objective is to analyze the impact that, in 2019, the differential increase in the minimum wage produces on the generation of new jobs by the salaried workforce (minimum wage target population) of Jalisco (emblematic entity of the rest of Mexico region) and of Baja California (entity of the region of the Free Zone of the Northern Border of Mexico) contrasting it with the national average in three levels: occupational structure, sector and economic activity, and by size of establishment, as well as by sex. The statistical evidence is processed from the national survey of occupation and employment (INEGI).

Author Biographies

José María Parra Ruiz , Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor-investigador de tiempo completo con 30 años de antigüedad. Departamento de Estudios Regionales-INESER Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA), Universidad de Guadalajara. Responsable del ca118: Mercados de trabajo y Desarrollo Territorial; Perfil prodep.

Emilia Gámez Frías, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesora-docente de tiempo completo con 31 años de antigüedad. Miembro del CA 118: Mercados

de trabajo y Desarrollo Territorial; Perfil PRODEP. Departamento de Estudios Regionales-INESER,

Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA), Universidad de Guadalajara.

